Tower Loan Blog

Industry News, Resources, and Useful Tips

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The Best Way to Pay Off Credit Card Debt Quickly

The Best Way to Pay Off Credit Card Debt Quickly How to Pay Off Credit Card Debt Fast Statistics show that nearly half of all Americans have credit card debt from month to month, and the average credit card debt amount in an American household is almost $8,000. So, while you certainly aren’t alone in…

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how long does credit stay on your report

How Long Does Something Stay on Your Credit Report?

How Long Does Something Stay on Your Credit Report?  People of all backgrounds and income brackets worry about their credit reports. It’s a universal concern in modern American life and something that can either make or break your financial dreams. Different types of financial information can stay on your credit report for two to 10…

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Types of Monthly Expenses and Creating a Monthly Budget

To achieve your financial goals, consider making a monthly expenses list and creating a monthly budget. We provide tips to keep up with monthly bills.

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small personal loans

Here’s What You Should Know About Getting a Small Personal Loan

Here’s What You Should Know About Getting a Small Personal Loan Various loan options are available when you need to borrow money. However, a small personal loan may be your best option if you need just a small amount of flexible funding to pay for incidentals or an emergency. Small personal loans can be used…

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how to save for a vacation

How to Save for a Vacation in 10 Easy Steps

Saving for Vacation? Here Are 10 Tips to Make It Happen. How to Save for a Vacation Everyone has a different travel style, but the desire to get away on a trip is something we all feel from time to time. Vacations can be relaxing, exciting, adventurous, or filled with family and friends. But they…

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Woman in graduation cap.

Do student loans affect credit score?

Do student loans affect credit score? Student loans are ubiquitous when it comes to finding ways to finance higher education. There are usually many sources of helpful information for navigating the process of obtaining student loans, but that’s where the help usually ends. Taking out a loan of any kind can impact your finances in…

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consequences of passing the 36% APR lending law

The “intended” consequences of passing the 36% APR lending law

The “Intended” Consequences of Passing the 36% APR Lending Law A new study, currently posted for public comment, has found that rate caps prevent Americans from accessing high-quality credit products they need and want. Why It Matters The study, entitled Effects of Illinois’ 36% Interest Rate Cap on Small-Dollar Credit Availability and Financial Well-being, found that after the imposition of…

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Two people signing documents

Documents Needed for Loan Applications

Personal Loan Documents Checklist There are lots of steps involved in loan applications, but one of the most important is getting all of your documents ready for the lender’s approval. These loan documents prove who you are, back up your financial information, and give lenders the information they need to make an informed decision. Every…

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Woman using laptop researching The Best Ways to Borrow Money

The Best Ways to Borrow Money

The Many Options Available for Borrowing Money Nearly everyone has to borrow money at some point in life and has at least some type of debt at any given time. So many different circumstances necessitate borrowing money, including emergencies, large household purchases, and unexpected expenses. There are many ways to borrow money online or in…

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A person holding bills discussing What is Debt Consolidation? Pros and Cons

What is Debt Consolidation? Pros and Cons

How Does Debt Consolidation Work? Debt consolidation is a financial tool and repayment process that involves combining multiple debts into just one. There are a few ways that you can consolidate debt, such as consolidation loans or a balance transfer credit card. Debt consolidation options come with risks and benefits, so it’s crucial to understand…

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